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Have you been thinking about doing a whole kitchen renovation? Does it involve upgrading the cabinets and flooring? One of the biggest predicaments faced by anyone undertaking an entire kitchen renovation is: should the kitchen cabinets be installed first or the hardwood flooring? Our team here at TEKA Kitchen is going to help you figure out what best suits your needs.
Hardwood Flooring First
The true answer to this dilemma is that it is completely situational and totally up to you and your personal preferences. But typically, the hardwood flooring should go in first. Here are some of our reasons for installing the floor first and the cabinets second.
One of the main reasons people get hardwood floors in the first place is their longevity and beauty. Most often, these floors will outlive any kitchen cabinet you get installed. Another thing is that, after the renovations begin, you might decide to change the layout of your kitchen, and what/where your cabinets will go. Installing the hardwood floor first, across the entire kitchen, allows you to easily make these other changes without interruption to the flooring.
Problems With the Height
If you get your cabinets installed before the floor goes in, this means that they will be resting on the subfloor, which is lower than when the actual floor is installed. Making it so that the cabinets are the wrong height. To accommodate this difference in height, plywood will need to be inserted as risers beneath the cabinets in order to make sure they end up being the correct height. In order to save time and money, you can skip this issue by getting the hardwood installed first.
Desired Finish
If you are looking for the perfect, picturesque finish to your kitchen, you will want to consider getting the flooring done first in order to avoid potential damages to the cabinets. If the cabinets are installed first, they have the potential to be nicked or stained while the floor is installed. Not to mention that it is more work to try and for the flooring to the cabinets properly and thus, adding to your expenses. In order to get a perfectly clean-looking kitchen, the best course of action is to get the floors installed first.
Cabinets First
One of the only times you should get the cabinets done first is if you are planning to have floating hardwood floors. This is simply because, when the temperature changes, the floor will expand and contract accordingly. This makes it so that if there is something heavy on top of it, it can’t expand properly. This will result in the wood breaking.
How We Can Help
No matter what way you look at it, there is no actual answer set in stone. It can simply depend on your particular situation and budget. Make sure to consider all the different factors that can affect your decision on whether to install hardwood flooring first or your kitchen cabinets. Our team here at TEKA Kitchen can assess your individual situation and make recommendations on how to proceed with your Toronto Home Renovation project. Give us a call today at 905-237-5031 or 416-877-4030 if you are interested in our services!